Fitzroy Football Club: Great football, Great community, Great culture.

Roy Girls continue on their magnificent winning ways


With the smiling Winnie on hand (or should we say dog lead), the great Liz Olney rolled in early, ready to play her role as assistant coach in what she thought would be her turn for a stint on the sidelines. Always the team player, Liz displays the selfless spirit exemplified by the whole Ressie’s squad in accepting the not-liked, but needed rotation strategy of one week one/one week off.

Soon after checking in with Senior Coach on game plans though, Liz was back in the car to retrieve her gear and hit the field for what ended up being an impressive hard fought win. One in which she played the influential part Roys supporters have seen from her time out of time over her more than 10 year career with the Roys.

Coach Mick McFarlane’s praise was somewhat understated in crediting his charges with a solid win against an improving team. “Our fast movement game-style earned us a tough win,” Mick reasoned, giving his nod to key midfield performances from Irish recruit Gemma Murphy (in game two), combining brilliantly with Rhi Sgarbi in keeping the Twos on top throughout the game.

Baby Cooper Ellis celebrated his 3-month birthday joining mum Alexa Madden in the pre-game circle in her first game back

Pleasingly Liz Olney, Jess Anticaglia and Hannah Knocker combined for seven goals, improving on our recently less than ideal goal kicking, with best on ground honours going to Gemma and Rhi Liz Olney, Clare Di Stefano and Pip Southey.

After a stirring Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony conducted by proud Wurundjeri man Colin Hunter IV, the Seniors played an amazing game of footy kicked off with what Coach Nathan Jumeau rated as the best footy he’s seen them play in a first term. 

“I've praised the back six a lot this year for their amazing defensive efforts but it was really good to see them as the real drivers of the offence,” Jumeau said. 

“The midfield won clearance after clearance, getting the ball in quickly to the forwards one on one. 

“It seemed that Edie Bridgewater owned the footy in the first quarter, and to have five individual goal kickers reflected the great balance we have up there.”

So definitive was the lead at at the end of the first, Footy Ops Director Sharon Torney, doing what she does so efficiently week in week out for the Senior Men’s squads, but all the while keeping her eye on scores around the grounds, thought the scorers weren’t registering the correct tally.

Well you would, wouldn’t you when the scoreline read 6.4 to zip!

The rest of the game was controlled by the Roys, with our healthy band of supporters revelling in the spread, unrelenting contest and fast ball movement.

Around the ground, the eponymous Olivia played a Brilliant intercepting role with fast run and carry out the backline. Sarah Lynas did her usual amazing job locking down her opponent and winning every one-on-one throughout the day. 

In the middle, Jaime Nelson and Sarah King won virtually every ruck contest and provided great marking targets up forward. 

Gina Bennett was again outstanding, working hard all day both offensively and defensively through the middle. 

In what was a superb all team performance, best ons were hard to nail, but in the end Nath gave his nod to Gina, Olivia, Sarahs King and Lynas, Robyn Randell and Tess Young.

Have a great bye weekend Roy Girls. We can’t wait to see what you have in store for Mazenod back at the Brunswick Street Oval on the 15 June!

JG Gorilla

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